<center> # Internet Archiving Talk *Originally published 2019-05-13 on [docs.sweeting.me](https://docs.sweeting.me/s/blog).* An overview of a talk I do on the internet archiving ecosystem. --- **NEWER VERSION HERE: https://github.com/pirate/internet-archiving-talk** </center> --- ## Outline * Intro * Why is archiving important? * Why is *internet* archiving important? * The ethics of content preservation * Fighting censorship and preserving free access to information (especially in today's political climate) * Community overview * The major players: Archive.org, IIPC, major universities, etc * ArchiveTeam, r/DataHoarder, and other ad-hoc efforts * Getting involved * The software * Major open source archiving tools * Design considerations * Dynamic content (e.g. AJAX, videos, forms, JS, etc) * Interactive content (e.g. games, dataviz, etc) * Durable data formats * Intro to ArchiveBox.io * How to start archiving content today * The bigger picture * What does content preservation look like over the next 20 years? * How can we build resilient, distributed archives while being respectful to people who want things erased? * Designing sites to be archivable * Closing remarks ## Further Reading - https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Web-Archiving-Community